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高危型hpv检测在宫颈病变随访中的价值 本文来源:论文 http://www.wenkuxiazai.net/ 作者:初慧君 戴淑真 刘丽芝 车艳辞 李明霞
【摘要】 目的探讨高危型人乳头瘤病毒(hr-hpv)检测在宫颈癌及其癌前病变随访中的临床意义。方法采用hpv-dna检测(hc-2)、薄层液基细胞学检查(lct)对术后组织病理学确诊为宫颈癌及其癌前病变的174例病人进行追踪随访。结果经规范治疗后随访过程中,术后1、3、10与22月hr-hpv-dna检测预测病变残留或复发的阳性预测值分别为23.9% 30.8%、55.2%与45.7%,阴性预测值均为100%。宫颈锥切组1、3、10及 22月hpv阴性率分别为65.0%、68.9%、87.2%与86.7%;全子宫切除组1、3、10及 22月hpv阴性率分别为63.2%、70.6%、75.0%与79.4%;广泛子宫切除组1、3、10及 22月hpv阴性率分别为53.0%、71.0%、80.0%与67.0%。结论hr-hpv-dna检测在宫颈癌及宫颈上皮内瘤变治疗后随访中起重要作用。针对不同级别病变采用的手术方式均可有效清除hpv感染,但其转阴需要一定时间。治疗后hr-hpv仍阳性者应及时进行干预,以减少病变复发。 【关键词】 人乳头瘤病毒;宫颈肿瘤;随访研究  abstractobjectiveto approach the clinical significance of the high-risk human papillomavirus (hr-hpv) in the follow-up of cervical cancer and precancerous lesions.methodsfollow-up using hpv-dna testing (hc-2) and thin-layer liquid-based cytology (lct) on 174 patients,whose postoperative histological diagnosis was cervical cancer or precancerous lesion.resultswith standard treatment, after 1 month,3 months,10 months,22 months of follow-up, hr-hpv-dna test results can predict residual or recurrent lesions, and it’s positive predictive value was 23.9%, 30.8%, 55.2%, 45.7%, respectively;the negative predictive values were all 100%. after 1 month,3 months,10 months,22 months of follow-up, hpv-negative rates of the patients who had cervical conization were 65.0%,68.9%,87.2%,86.7%,respectively;the rates of the patients who had hysterectomy were 63.2%,70.6%,75.0%,79.4%;and the rates of the patiens who had radical hysterectomy were 53.0%,71.0%,80.0%,67.0%.conclusionhr-hpv-dna detection plays an important role in cervical cancer and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia’s follow-up. the surgical modes for different levels of disease can removal hpv infection effectively. however,it perhaps takes some time. after treatment,the hr-hpv-positive patients should been intervened in oder to reduse the residue or recurrence.   key wordshuman papillomavirus; uterine cervical neoplasms;

follow-up studies   目前根据我国国情,预防宫颈癌最有力的措施是消灭宫颈上皮内瘤样变(cin)。但有研究显示,cin经宫颈锥切术后残留和复发率仍达到3.0%~47.3%1-2,因此随访监测不可轻视。高危型人乳头瘤病毒(hr-hpv) 生殖道持续感染是引发宫颈癌及其癌前


